Bute Community Council is spreading awareness of SIF’s Disruptive Event Reporting tool to increase the visibility of issues affecting the community on Bute within the Scottish Government.

As part of our support for the Scottish Islands Team we have been asked to help keep the Scottish Government informed of disruptive events which are happening, or likely to happen, in the islands. This will help the Scottish Government and its partners develop their awareness of issues affecting islands, respond to disruptions, plan ahead to mitigate their impact, and develop longer-term plans for increasing resilience.

To help with this we have a new form on the SIF website which allows you to report issues arising from disruptive events, or issues you anticipate will arise due to an expected disruptive event. This may include, but it not limited to:

  • service closure due to an extended, unplanned power outage;
  • supply issues due to transport disruption;
  • the impact to households and businesses of an ongoing broadband outage.
Scotland Islands Federation