Rothesay Pavilion Charity will be running a range of events in the second half of November from Saturday the 19th to Friday the 25th, in the Bank of Ideas. See the poster for full details.

All events are free, drop in, and informal.

A short note to keep you posted about the Charity’s plans for the week long exhibition and information series at the Bank of Ideas  from the 19th November – 24th Nov-  I’m delighted to report confirmed speakers and representation from the Senior Council officers involved in the Cross party lobby group and restoration as well as our trustees.

The entire aim of the week is to share information with the community about the project – show how the Council and charity have been working together, describe what progress has been made, how ambitions for the Pavilion can be achieved, answer questions and encourage wider engagement and participation from across the community and strengthening relationships with the community at the core.

People are consistently keen to  know more about what is involved, how the Pavilion will work and how it is relevant to them. Its also about gathering content (film, video, interviews) to keep the conversation going on throughout. My experience to date is because the restoration has been delayed for such a long time most people’s recollection is from the Pavilion in 2015 and new residents and visitors have very limited awareness of the significance of the building and what it is possible to achieve on opening.

All of the events and exhibition are ‘drop in’ – free and informal – and Janice our chair is very keen to meet as many folks as possible. 

Julie Tait, Executive Director